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Your source for gateway-related events, news, jobs, and other topics of interest

There are many ways to connect with the gateways community:

  • Our events calendar lists conferences, webinars, workshops, and other scheduled opportunities organized by SGCI and beyond.
  • Our news section features announcements, opportunities, events, and gateways in the popular press.
  • Our blog includes interviews with our clients and staff, best practices and advice on a variety of topics, highlights from events we’ve attended, and more.
  • We collect gateway-related jobs from organizations around the country.
  • Our community forum, hosted on Google Groups, helps you connect with and pose questions to others who have experience with gateways. Some events are announced in the group list, too.
  • Sign up for our newsletter and stay current on the highlights of this community section.

Have an event you'd like to promote or news you'd like to share? Let us know, and we'll help spread the word! Please email the details with the subject line "SGCI Monthly Newsletter Submission" to

To stay connected on social media, please consider following us on LinkedIn, joining our LinkedIn Group and following us on Twitter.