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US Research Software Sustainability Institute Workshop in Berkeley, CA (April 10-12)

The first US Research Software Sustainability Institute (URSSI) Workshop will take place in Berkeley, CA., April 10-12, 2018.

The preliminary agenda is to have the workshop the morning of day 1 (April 10), and ending at lunch on day 3 (April 12), with an additional ½ day for PIs to document and start planning the next activities. The plan is to start with a talk from NSF about institutes, talks about successful conceptualization projects that led to institutes (SGCI and MolSSI) and a talk from a recent conceptualization project in high-energy physics. The remainder of the workshop will include a mix of plenary (including lightning talks selected from the attendees), general topic breakouts (with similar questions asked of all attendees arranged in small groups), and unconference breakouts (with focused discussion around topics in self-selected groups).

URSSI is seeking feedback from the community in order to identify what they may have missed in planning for the workshop, and what else those in the community think could be done during the workshop to best achieve the goals. More information about the goals and the workshop in general is available here: