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ECSS Symposium, Feb. 19, "Sustaining Science Gateway Operations through SciGaP" and "Ansible on the Cloud"

The next XSEDE Extended Collaborative Support Services (ECSS) symposium is happening February 19th, and features Suresh Marru (SGCI staff) and Eric Coulter of Indiana UniversityJoin coordinates can be found here.

Sustaining Science Gateway Operations through SciGaP Service
Abstract: Science Gateways dramatically accelerate scientific discovery by providing crucial user- and science-centric points of entries to access cyberinfrastructure resources while shielding them from the technicalities of interacting with XSEDE like distributed infrastructure. XSEDE’s Extended Collaborative Support Services (ECSS) has collaborated in making it as easy as possible for scientific communities to create such Science Gateways and help them integrate with XSEDE. However, it is important to sustain these collaborative efforts and assist XSEDE communities in operating these gateways.

In this talk, we will present ECSS project exemplars which have adopted the hosted Apache Airavata services operated by the NSF funded Science Gateway Platform (SciGaP) project thus decreasing the overhead for gateway operations. The talk will conclude by providing references for future ECSS projects to take advantage of out-of-the-box Gateway platform with customizable user interfaces, or integrating a la carte via direct programmatic access from existing community Gateway implementations.

Ansible on the Cloud: A match made in heaven
Abstract: One of the major difficulties facing researchers in getting started with national cyberinfrastructure (CI) is the pain of actually *using* it. For support staff, it is a continual struggle to effectively onboard new users and provide interfaces to compute resources. With the advent of cloudy research CI, it has become possible to provide highly customized resources for a variety of scientific domains, while at the same time giving access to those resources through gateways. I will discuss how customized infrastructure can enable a wide range of scientific projects, from bioinformatics to real-time data gathering. I will also demonstrate how the use of Ansible makes it relatively easy to create configurable, replicable infrastructure on Jetstream's Openstack cloud, and provide participants with a starting point for building their own customized infrastructure.