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Turning Documents Into Datasets With Zooniverse, U-M School of Information Mini Class, July 27, 2021

Turning Documents Into Datasets With Zooniverse
Andrea Thomer, Assistant Professor of Information
Tuesday, July 27, 7:30 pm EDT

In museums, archives, and natural resource offices all over the world, there are decades – if not centuries – worth of field records describing our natural world. These records could comprise an unmatched longitudinal dataset describing how the planet has responded to a changing climate and other anthropogenic forces – but only if this data can be curated into an accessible and usable format. In this talk, Professor Andrea Thomer will describe two recent projects in which she and her collaborators are using the Zooniverse citizen science platform to recruit online volunteers to transcribe and collaboratively curate field records from the Michigan Institute for Fisheries Research and the La Brea Tar Pits.

RSVP for this and future Mini Classes here.