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Introducing SuAVE – a free online system for visual analysis, sharing, and analysis of SDG Indicators Webinar, 1/11/17

The webinar will introduce SuAVE (Survey Analysis via Visual Exploration), a free online system for visual analysis, sharing, and annotation of survey data of different types. Specifically, the use of SuAVE will be demonstrated for the analysis of over 90 Sustainable Development Goal indicators, showing how users can publish and analyze their own surveys. With SuAVE, you can publish your data online (mixed numeric and text data and images), slice and dice the data based on any combination of attributes, visualize general patterns and drill down to outliers, explore various data views, annotate your findings, and share annotations with collaborators. See for examples in the geosciences and other fields including sociology, biology and ecology, archaeology, art history and humanities, urban planning, and medical informatics.

SPEAKER: Dr Ilya Zaslavsky directs the Spatial Information Systems Lab at the San Diego Supercomputer Center, University of California, San Diego. His research focuses on distributed information management systems, and spatial and temporal data integration. He leads design and technical development in several large cyberinfrastructure projects supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation.

The webinar will take place on January 11, 2017 at 9 am Eastern. You can register here.