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2021 ESIP Summer Meeting: Best Practices for FAIR Research Software

The 2021 ESIP Summer Meeting will feature a presentation about FAIR Research by SGCI's Sandra Gesing and others on July 19, 2021. Presenter details and the abstract are available here.

Research software is a significant and vital component of research. It is integral to all stages of research from pre- to post-processing and analysis and modeling. Recognizing software roles in reproducibility and the need for recognition for those who develop software has energized conversations on what FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) means for research software. The FAIR For Research Software Working Group (FAIR4RS WG) is leading the research software community in the crucial step of agreeing how to apply the FAIR principles to research software by mid-2021, and is co-led by the Research Software Alliance (ReSA), Research Data Alliance (RDA) and FORCE11.

This workshop aims to:

- present updates on application of the FAIR principles to research software to advance community knowledge
- provide opportunities to become involved in this evolving work, enabling participants to become involved in policy development
- engage participants in identifying examples of best practice in earth sciences in developing FAIR/sustainable software for research
- identify areas for improvement
- enable participants to meet like-minded colleagues.