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RDA webinar recording: 10 Things for Curating Reproducible and FAIR Research

This webinar, hosted by RDA-US on September 22, 2022, presents "10 Things for Curating Reproducible and FAIR Research”, which are guidelines designed for curators and researchers interested in publishing and archiving reproducible research output.  It focuses on the following: 


  • Key issues in curating reproducible and FAIR (CURE-FAIR) research

  • Practical strategies that ensure publication-ready and independently understandable packages of reproducible  research materials

  • Best practices in archiving and publishing computationally reproducible studies that rely on quantitative data, primarily in the social sciences


These guidelines are intended primarily for data curators and information professionals who are charged with the publication and archival of FAIR and computationally reproducible research. Often the first reusers of the research compendium, curators have the opportunity to verify that a computation can be executed and that it can reproduce prespecified results. Curators can flag issues with a research compendium that precludes computational reproducibility and take actions to remedy problems or recommend an appropriate course of action prior to publication.

Watch the recording: