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XSEDE ECSS Symposium: Clusters in the Cloud - Programmable, Elastic Cyberinfrastructure + Software as a Service Gateways

The next XSEDE ECSS Symposium will take place April 17, 2018, at 1 pm Eastern. Symposium coordinates and full details can be found here:

Clusters in the Cloud - Programmable, Elastic Cyberinfrastructure

Eric Coulter, IU, will discuss the process of building a customized virtual cluster using Openstack, Ansible, and SLURM, the benefits of elastic resources for gateway groups, and how this can be applied to extend the compute resources available to traditional hardware systems. Eric has worked with PI Sudhakar Pamidighantam (SEAGrid science gateway), PI Amit Majumdar (Neuroscience Gateway) and PI Borries Demeler (UltraScan science gateway) to enable production-ready virtual clusters on Jetstream.

Software as a Service Gateways

Research groups producing open source scientific software often have a daunting task of helping their user communities with build instructions for a wide variety of hardware platforms, assist in optimizing the applications and develop detailed documentation to use the software. Such software communities can ease the support by developing custom science gateways for these specialized software. In this talk, Eroma Abeyasinghe will discuss two such efforts in developing, deploying and operating science gateways for Finite-Element Blood flow solver (SimVascular) and Detection of Regulatory Elements (dReg). Working in collaborations with PI's Alison Marsden and Charles Danko respectively. Eroma will discuss her experiences in developing these gateways based on the open community science gateway framework Apache Airavata and the PI's early success in community engagement with research and education.