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Webinar: HUBzero Platform for Scientific Collaboration: Overview of the architecture, features, and sustainability

March 11, 2020

HUBzero Platform for Scientific Collaboration: Overview of the architecture, features, and sustainability

Presented by Nate Snodgrass, Program Manager, HUBzero®

Part two of a series of webinars providing an introduction to a variety of gateway platforms that can be used for building new gateways. 

HUBzero® is an open source software platform for building powerful websites that host analytical tools, publish data, share resources, collaborate, and build communities in a single web-based ecosystem. Initially created by researchers in the NSF-sponsored Network for Computational Nanotechnology to support, the HUBzero® platform now supports science gateways from a variety of disciplines built from the HUBzero® platform with a collective of over 2 million visitors a year. In this webinar, the HUBzero® team will review the HUBzero® architecture and middleware with examples of different use-cases.

Webinar Slides

Watch on YouTube

Answers to questions asked during the webinar

Feel free to contact with questions. 

Q: Are you looking at TAPIS (Agave) and/or Abaco for remote HPC services?
A: We have talked to folks at TAPIS and Airavata and are having continuing conversations about the possibilities. 

Q: How does the HUBzero platform handle "static" gateway web pages? Can non-developers add/edit without having to redeploy the stack? Or do static pages need to go elsewhere?
A:  Static pages are housed in a Hub, and administrators of the Hub can sign-in and edit pages via an editor. The access point is via a back-end login to manage these pages. For group pages, static pages available in the group space can be edited from the group by managers or users who have assigned roles to manage those pages.