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Webinar: Building a Modern Research Data Portal with Globus - Introduction to the Globus Platform

March 8, 2017

Building a Modern Research Data Portal with Globus - Introduction to the Globus Platform
Presented by Steve Tuecke and Greg Nawrocki, University of Chicago -

Abstract: Science DMZ (a portion of the network optimized for high-performance scientific applications) architectures provide frictionless end-to-end network paths; and Globus APIs allow programmers to create powerful research data portals that leverage these paths for data distribution, staging, synchronization, and other useful purposes. In this tutorial, we use real-world examples to show how these new technologies can be applied to realize immediately useful capabilities.

Attendees will develop an understanding of key identity management concepts as they are applied to data management across the research lifecycle, and will be exposed to tools and techniques for implementing these concepts in their own systems.

We will explain how the Globus APIs provide intuitive access to authentication, authorization, sharing, transfer, and synchronization services. Companion iPython/Jupyter notebooks will provide application skeletons that workshop participants can adapt to realize their own research data portals, science gateways, and other web applications that support research data workflows.

Download a PDF of the slides

Watch the YouTube recording

Answers to questions asked during the webinar

The slides have many links to various online resources. If you don't see what you are looking for, feel free to contact Greg directly.

Q: The globus sample portal is written in which language?
A: Python.

Q: For share endpoint, one can't see another share endpoint right?
A: Someone can see the data in an endpoint only if it's been explicitly shared with them. The endpoints themselves are all publicly visible.

Q: Does the Transfer/Share API include download from a share/endpoint to local machine that is not an endpoint?
A: All transfers are to and from endpoints. Globus Connect Personal is a very easy way to set up an endpoint on a local machine:

Q: What if someone doesn't want to set up a personal endpoint? We just have resistance from people who don't want to setup a personal endpoint for infrequent downloads.
A: Native “in browser” http transfers are on the roadmap. Transfers themselves are easy; getting them to work within the constraints of our security model requires care. We should have some more concrete timelines for delivery at GlobusWorld in April.

Q: When the user "logins" to the gateway, the gateway redirects to Globus and the user signs in, then Globus redirects back to gateway, is https required for this process or is http ok?
A: Https is required, standard OAuth.

Useful links: