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SGX3 2024 Pre-Internship Report: Rahil Mahini

Each year, our Workforce Development team offers summer internships for students interested in developing their gateway development skills. For the summer of 2024, interns were placed at the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC). We will be sharing some of our 2024 student interns' experiences in a series of blog posts entitled SGX3 Summer Internship Reports as they start their summer internships. 

Featured below is SGX3 summer intern Rahil Mahini, a student at the North Dakota State University studying Computer Science.

  • What skills or knowledge are you hoping to gain during your internship?
    • During my internship with the SGX3 gateway at TACC, I am excited to gain hands-on experience in collaborative research, work with interdisciplinary teams, and contribute to impactful scientific projects. I aim to deepen my understanding of high-performance computing (HPC) systems and learn the principles of designing user-friendly interfaces for science gateways to meet the needs of the scientific community effectively. Additionally, I hope to enhance my skills in managing and processing large datasets, including data storage, retrieval, and analysis techniques.
  • What motivated you into choosing this particular internship opportunity and how do you see that fitting into your future goals?
    • I chose this internship with SGX3 gateways at TACC because of its focus on high-performance computing (HPC) and science gateway development, which are critical areas in computational science. This opportunity aligns perfectly with my career goals of working in computational research and leveraging advanced technologies to solve complex scientific problems. Through this internship, I aim to gain hands-on experience with HPC systems, enhance my skills in data management, and learn to design user-friendly science gateways. These experiences will equip me with the technical expertise and collaborative skills needed for my future career in computational research and development, whether in academia or industry.
  • What unique perspective or ideas do you hope to bring to the internship program this summer?
    • During my internship at the SGX3 gateway in TACC, I aim to bring a unique perspective by integrating my background in computational chemistry with advanced machine learning techniques. I plan to explore novel approaches for data analysis and visualization, which can enhance the efficiency and accuracy of scientific research conducted through the gateway. Additionally, I hope to contribute innovative ideas for improving user interfaces, making the gateway more accessible and user-friendly for researchers with diverse expertise levels.
  • Please share with us what led you to study your degree and what is exciting to you about your area of focus?
    • I chose to study for my degree because of my passion for computational science and its potential to solve real-world problems. The intersection of technology and scientific research has always fascinated me, and I wanted to be part of advancements in this field. What excites me most about my area of focus, particularly working with the SGX3 gateway at TACC, is the opportunity to leverage high-performance computing to accelerate scientific discoveries and improve data accessibility for researchers across various disciplines.
  • Austin is known for its exciting culture and activities. What are you most looking forward to doing while in Austin, TX?
    • I'm most looking forward to exploring Austin's vibrant music scene, enjoying the local cuisine, and experiencing outdoor activities like hiking and kayaking on Lady Bird Lake. The city's unique culture and lively festivals are also high on my list.

Learn more about the SGX3 Summer Internship program. We encourage those interested in participating in future internship cohorts to subscribe to our newsletter for future application announcements.