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SGX3 2024 Pre-Internship Report: Sajith Alapati

Each year, our Workforce Development team offers summer internships for students interested in developing their gateway development skills. For the summer of 2024, interns were placed at the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC). We will be sharing some of our 2024 student interns' experiences in a series of blog posts entitled SGX3 Summer Internship Reports as they start their summer internships. 

Featured below is SGX3 summer intern Sajith Alapati, a student at the Indiana University Bloomington studying masters in Computer Science.

  • What skills or knowledge are you hoping to gain during your internship?
    • During my internship, I am eager to deepen my understanding of high-performance computing (HPC) and explore how researchers globally utilize TACC's supercomputing services to advance their projects. I aim to gain hands-on experience with integrating the Open Topography API into the DesignSafe Recon Portal and further develop my skills in React and TypeScript. This experience will be invaluable in enhancing my proficiency in front-end web application development, particularly in a real-world setting.
  • What motivated you into choosing this particular internship opportunity and how do you see that fitting into your future goals?
    • My motivation for choosing this internship stems from a desire to gain practical experience in HPC and science gateways and to see firsthand how TACC's supercomputers support cutting-edge research. The opportunity to contribute to impactful projects like the DesignSafe Recon Portal is exciting. This experience aligns perfectly with my future goals by providing real-world application-building experience, which is crucial for my career development and job search in the technology sector.
  • What unique perspective or ideas do you hope to bring to the internship program this summer?
    • As a recent graduate in computer science with experience in developing machine learning projects and web applications, I hope to bring fresh ideas and perspectives to the internship program. My background in AI/ML and my practical experience with various technologies will enable me to contribute innovative solutions and approaches to the projects I am involved in, particularly in enhancing user experience and optimizing existing systems.
  • Please share with us what led you to study your degree and what is exciting to you about your area of focus?
    • My fascination with technology began in my childhood, driven by its rapid evolution and significant impact on human life. This passion led me to pursue a Bachelor's in Information Technology, followed by a Master's in Computer Science. The vast potential for innovation in AI/ML excites me, especially the recent advancements in large language models (LLMs). These developments keep me motivated and eager to learn more, despite the challenges they present.
  • Austin is known for its exciting culture and activities. What are you most looking forward to doing while in Austin, TX?
    • I am looking forward to experiencing the vibrant culture and laid-back vibe of Austin. The city's reputation for great food and exciting activities is something I am eager to explore. Additionally, being at the UT Austin campus, even during the quieter summer months, is an exciting prospect, and I am keen to discover nearby attractions and immerse myself in the local scene.

Learn more about the SGX3 Summer Internship program. We encourage those interested in participating in future internship cohorts to subscribe to our newsletter for future application announcements.