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SGX3 2024 Pre-Internship Report: Manikya Swathi Vallabhajosyula

Each year, our Workforce Development team offers summer internships for students interested in developing their gateway development skills. For the summer of 2024, interns were placed at the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC). We will be sharing some of our 2024 student interns' experiences in a series of blog posts entitled SGX3 Summer Internship Reports as they start their summer internships. 

Featured below is SGX3 summer intern Manikya Swathi Vallabhajosyula, a student at the Ohio State University studying Computer Science and Engineering, Ph.D. in research area Applied AI for HPC workload orchestration

  • What skills or knowledge are you hoping to gain during your internship?
    • More standardized ways for building deployment-ready APIs to be integrated with TAPIS for workload orchestration - automatic job scheduling and motoring for long-running DNN workload
    • API support for invoking inference models for plug-and-play user interactions for DNN-based workload resource provisioning (How much memory do I need? How long will my Job run on a System with A100 GOU? And so on).
  • What motivated you into choosing this particular internship opportunity and how do you see that fitting into your future goals?
    • As a former SGX3 intern (SU23), I emerged from my comfort zone and delved into the software engineering aspects of CSE. I explored ways to host my research as APIs, making them more accessible to end users and seamlessly integrable with portals like TAPIS for workflow orchestration. Building on this experience, I intend to utilize this fellowship to expand the capabilities of TAPIS for automatic DNN workload scheduling, a crucial step toward our annual ICICLE review.
  • What unique perspective or ideas do you hope to bring to the internship program this summer?
    • Having worked with Dr. Joe Stubbs for over two years and gained familiarity with TAPIS, I am well-prepared to dive into the internship and dedicate my full attention to software development, accelerating new TAPIS integrations, and advancing ICICLE. My first-hand experience also positions me to mentor other interns, helping them navigate their fellowship smoothly and effectively.
  • Please share with us what led you to study your degree and what is exciting to you about your area of focus?
    • My professional interests include advocating for fair resource usage, especially given the rising demand for AI-driven solutions in domains like life sciences. Ensuring equitable resource sharing among researchers through efficient execution of computing-heavy workloads can also help reduce our carbon footprint. I am passionate about presenting my research to gather feedback and make it more accessible. Teaching is another significant passion of mine, and I aim to remain in academia to pursue a career in education. I've had the opportunity to integrate my research into cornerstone classes and organize a summer capstone course in India, introducing undergraduate seniors to HPC and AI.
    • My motivation lies in developing solutions that accelerate AI-driven research by addressing the well-known HPC and AI bottlenecks. This involves navigating steep learning curves and applying usability principles. My focus is on building AI-driven solutions for resource allocation and job orchestration to advance this field.
  • Austin is known for its exciting culture and activities. What are you most looking forward to doing while in Austin, TX?
    • Last summer (Summer '23) in Austin was an exciting adventure, thanks to a fellow intern who enthusiastically acted as our tour guide (see picture below). I look forward to returning the favor and taking on the role of tour guide myself while continuing to explore the hidden gems of Austin.

Learn more about the SGX3 Summer Internship program. We encourage those interested in participating in future internship cohorts to subscribe to our newsletter for future application announcements.