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Partner Details: Open OnDemand

Open OnDemand

High performance computing (HPC) has led to remarkable advances in science and engineering and has become an indispensable tool for research. Unfortunately, HPC use and adoption by many researchers is often hindered by the complex way these resources are accessed. Indeed, while the web has become the dominant access mechanism for remote computing services in virtually every computing area, HPC is a notable exception.

Open OnDemand is an NSF-funded open-source software project that enables access to high-performance computing, cloud, and remote computing resources via the web, and has the lofty goal of lowering barriers to HPC use for everyone. To accomplish this, OnDemand leverages HTML5 standards as a platform for development of a feature-rich set of applications giving users a familiar web-based front end to HPC systems. The use of HTML5 standards enables the use of a web proxy that provides a federated authentication ensuring the security of the system. OnDemand provides HPC centers a “zero-install” and single sign-on (SSO) solution for their users.

For more information on Open OnDemand, please visit our website (  Via the buttons on the upper left, you can subscribe to our news list to receive announcements, or join our Discourse instance to ask questions of the developers.  The Open OnDemand team also welcomes and encourages opportunities to collaborate on proposals with members of our community in response to a variety of solicitations.