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Virtual Research Environments: A Vision for the Next 10 Years

The future for virtual research environments (VREs) warrants exploration as we consider the possibilities that extend well beyond research and high-performance computing into new interfaces, applications and user communities. In this discussion,...

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Version 1.0 - published on 22 Aug 2023 doi: - cite this

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The future for virtual research environments (VREs) warrants exploration as we consider the possibilities that extend well beyond research and high-performance computing into new interfaces, applications and user communities. In this discussion, we look retrospectively at the successes of representative gateways thus far. This serves to highlight existing gaps VREs need to overcome in areas such as accessibility, usability and interoperability, and in the need for broader outreach by drawing insights from technology adoption research. We make the case for the VRE community to be more intentional in engaging with users to encourage adoption and implementation, especially in the area of educational usage. This discussion serves as a roadmap for a vision of VREs in the next ten years.

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