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Resource Providers for Science Gateways Webinar - Hosted by SGX3

By Sandra Gesing1, Arman Pazouki2, Sergiu Sanielevici3, Brett Bode4, Amit Majumdar5, Jeremy Fischer6, Eva Siegmann7, Christina Koch8, Dan Stanzione9, Michael Zentner5, Claire Stirm5

1. University of Illinois 2. Purdue University 3. University of Pittsburgh 4. NCSA 5. SDSC, University of California, San Diego 6. Indiana University 7. Stony Brook University 8. University of Wisconsin, Madison 9. TACC

Webinar hosted by SGX3 and ACCESS Resource Providers in May 2023.

Listed in Presentations


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Version 1.0 - published on 22 Aug 2023 doi: - cite this

Licensed under CC0 - Creative Commons


Resource Providers for Science Gateways Webinar - Hosted by SGX3 Youtube Recording

Webinar outline and speakers:

  • Introduction on science gateways (Mike Zentner)
  • Anvil (Arman Pazouki)
  • Bridges2 (Sergiu Sanielevici)
  • Delta (Brett Bode)
  • Expanse (Amit Majumdar)
  • Jetstream2 (Jeremy Fischer)
  • Ookami (Eva Siegmann)
  • Open Science Pool / Open Science Grid Services (Christina Koch)
  • Stampede2 (Dan Stanzione)

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