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The Impact of AI Computing Paradigms on Science Gateways and National Compute Resources

By Michael Zentner1, Claire Stirm1, Sandra Gesing2, Robert Quick3, Joe Stubbs4

1. UCSD 2. University of Illinois 3. Indiana University 4. TACC

The BoF will address four questions around AI and science gateways at the PEARC23 conference.

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The Impact of AI Computing Paradigms on Science Gateways and National Compute Resources

The BoF will address four questions:

  • Q1: What are novel modes of computing implied by AI? Which will have the greatest impact on CI for gateways and national compute resources? Facilitated by Joe Stubbs

  • Q2: What are or should be the goals of broadening access to compute resources for AI purposes? Who can be brought into the community that previously was not? Facilitated by Sandra Gesing

  • Q3: What are the interesting aspects related to data sharing? How do the various compute loads and modes impact how data are shared, moved, and accessed? Facilitated by Rob Quick

  • Q4: How can AI be used in a science gateway to make it more effective, efficient, secure, or otherwise better? Facilitated by Claire Stirm

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