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Starting with a Firm Foundation: Building a Sustainability Program for the Australian Research Data Commons

By Claire Stirm1, Kerry Levett2, Nancy Maron3, Sandra Gesing1, Andrew Treloar2, Siobhann McCafferty2, Juliana Casavan2

1. SDSC 2. ARDC 3. BlueSky to BluePrint

IWSG 2023, Tuebingen, Germany

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Version 1.0 - published on 26 Jan 2024

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IWSG 2023, Tuebingen, Germany

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Stirm, C., Levett, K., Maron, N., Gesing, S., Treloar, A., McCafferty, S., Casavan, J. (2024). Starting with a Firm Foundation: Building a Sustainability Program for the Australian Research Data Commons.

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