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Birds of a Feather at PEARC23: Exploring the Impact of AI Computing Paradigms on Science Gateways and National Compute Resources

By Claire Stirm1, Jeanette Sperhac1, Michael Zentner1, Sandra Gesing1, Joe Stubbs2, Robert Quick3

1. SDSC 2. TACC 3. Indiana University

Birds of a Feather at PEARC23: Exploring the Impact of AI Computing Paradigms on Science Gateways and National Compute Resources

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Version 1.0 - published on 26 Jan 2024

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Stirm, C., Sperhac, J., Zentner, M., Gesing, S., Stubbs, J., Quick, R. (2024). Birds of a Feather at PEARC23: Exploring the Impact of AI Computing Paradigms on Science Gateways and National Compute Resources.

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