Amos Gateway
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The overarching goal of the project is create a comprehensive cyberinfrastructure for the atomic, molecular, and optical science (AMOS) community where practitioners can access a synergistic, full-scope platform for computational AMOS. The developers are striving to make the AMOS Gateway useful as an educational tool for students and researchers interested in computational AMOS. Importantly, use of the AMOS Gateway does not require the user to download and build these codes on their own platform, which is often difficult, especially for non-experts. AMOS Gateway allows users to deploy calculations on a number of NSF computational systems. The user submits appropriate data files to the gateway interfaces, and results are returned on the gateway. Data may then be analyzed in-situ or downloaded to a another platform for more detailed inspection. The scientists involved in this project have been active researchers in computational atomic and molecular physics for many years and have benefited from support from the NSF XSEDE project.
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