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InterACTWEL is an intelligent and secure decision support system to empower land, water, and energy managers and food producers to envision and plan towards a resilient future for their local watershed communitiesChange is inevitable. Communities, to be resilient, need to be able to respond to change as it unfolds. Responses may include long term adaptation to change, those that requires food, energy, and water sectors to modify how they use and manage their resources, operations, and assets in the future.InterACTWEL (Interactive Adaptation and Collaboration Tool for managing Water, Energy and Land) is a secure and intelligent computer-aided decision support tool that aims to empower food, energy, and water sectors in local watershed communities to collaborate and coordinate their planning efforts in the face of an uncertain future. By using advanced scientific models and interactive interfaces it can assist decision makers and policy makers to (a) develop potential community-wide adaptation actions in response to specific disturbances, (b) visualize costs, benefits, and impacts of their actions, and (c) communicate suggestions for and feasibility of potential actions to partners.


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  • (2024), "InterACTWEL,"

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