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PerformFISH Gateway

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PerformFISH Gateway serves the EC-funded PerformFISH project officially launched in Volvos, Greece, on 15-16 May 2017 with the aim of exploring and tackling the underlying causes behind the stagnation of the Mediterranean Marine Fish Farming (MMFF) sector. Over the next five years, PerformFISH will work to ensure sustainable growth of the Mediterranean aquaculture industry, based on consumer perceptions and real market requirements. It aims to support fish farms that operate not only in ideal economic and environmental conditions but also in a socially and culturally responsible manner. With 28 partners across the aquaculture value chain, PerformFISH consists of a strong multi-stakeholder partnership, including significant collaboration and support from the five Fish Farming Associations representing 92.8% of EU sea bream and sea bass production.




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  • (2024), "PerformFISH Gateway,"

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