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Tags: Geoscience

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  1. Critical Zone Observatories

    09 May 2024 |

    The National CZO Program is a community resource. The Program serves the international scientific community through research, infrastructure, data, and models. We focus on how components of the Critical Zone interact, shape Earth's surface, and support life. If you...

  2. EarthCube

    09 May 2024 |

    EarthCube was initiated by the National Science Foundation (NSF) in 2011 to transform geoscience research by developing cyberinfrastructure to improve access, sharing, visualization, and analysis of all forms of geosciences data and related resources. As a...

  3. NCAR Digital Asset Services Hub (DASH)

    09 May 2024 |

    It is a centralized system for searching and discovering of digital scientific assets across NCAR and UCAR Community Programs, including datasets, publications, software, and models. The Data Management Plan is required for submitting or depositing your digital...

  4. GeoMapApp

    09 May 2024 |

    GeoMapApp is an earth science exploration and visualization application that is continually being expanded as part of the Marine Geoscience Data System (MGDS) at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University. The application provides direct access to...