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Tags: structural biology

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  1. COSMIC2 Science Gateway

    09 May 2024 |

    Structural biology is in the midst of a revolution. Instrumentation and software improvements have allowed for the full realization of cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) as a tool capable of determining atomic structures of protein and macromolecular samples. These...


    09 May 2024 |

    PDB-REDO is a procedure to optimise crystallographic structure models, providing algorithms that make a fully automated decision making system for refinement, rebuilding and validation. It combines popular crystallographic software from CCP4, e.g. REFMAC and COOT,...

  3. SBGrid Consortium

    09 May 2024 |

    We support structural biologists by providing structural biology laboratories with a tested and refined software infrastructure that includes a large library of scientific applications. Members also benefit from access to SBGrid-supported high performance computing...

  4. West-Life

    09 May 2024 |

    West-Life provides services for computation and data management to researchers in structural biology, integrating multiple approaches and experimental techniques.