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  1. Daya Bay

    09 May 2024

    Some new, and unprecedentedly precise, measurements from the multinational Daya Bay Neutrino Experiment are revealing how electron antineutrinos “oscillate” into different flavors as they travel. This new finding from Daya Bay opens a gateway to a new understanding...

  2. KBase: The U.S. Department of Energy Systems Biology Knowledgebase

    09 May 2024

    The Department of Energy Systems Biology Knowledgebase (KBase) is a software and data platform designed to meet the grand challenge of systems biology: predicting and designing biological function. KBase integrates data and tools in a unified graphical interface so...

  3. European Severe Storms Laboratory (ESSL)

    09 May 2024

    ESSL performs severe weather research and supports the research community by operating the European Severe Weather Database and (co-)organizing the European Conferences on Severe Storms. With the ESSL Testbed, courses and workshops, it provides a facility to evaluate...

  4. PeptideAtlas

    09 May 2024

    PeptideAtlas is a multi-organism, publicly accessible compendium of peptides identified in a large set of tandem mass spectrometry proteomics experiments. Mass spectrometer output files are collected for human, mouse, yeast, and several other organisms, and searched...

  5. Omics

    09 May 2024

    The RDS Omics project is an RDS-funded flagship project to provide cloud-based data services and tools for Australian Life Science Researchers to combine, analyse and interpret genomic (DNA), transcriptomic (RNA), proteomic (proteins) and metabolomic (small...

  6. Coral Watch

    09 May 2024

    CoralWatch is a citizen science project based at The University of Queensland, in Brisbane, Australia. CoralWatch helps non-scientists around the globe understand and support effective reef management by using engaging tools that provide people with accessible...

  7. WorldMap

    09 May 2024

    Harvard WorldMap is an online, open source mapping platform developed to lower barriers for scholars who wish to explore, visualize, edit, and publish geospatial information. The system attempts to address the gap between desktop GIS which is generally light on...

  8. PICKSC gateway

    09 May 2024

    The mission and major goal of PICKSC is to support an international community of PIC and plasma kinetic software developers, users, and educators, and to increase the use of this software for accelerating the rate of scientific discovery. To support this mission, the...

  9. OMICTools

    09 May 2024

    OMICtools is the first community search platform offering an intuitive search experience to retrieve biological data analysis tools. Connect with users to share and discuss tools. Bridge the gap between life science and computational biology.

  10. WaterHUB - Platform for water education, research, data access, partnership and collaboration

    09 May 2024 | Science Gateways

    WaterHUB is an open platform for connecting hydrologists through sharing of hydrologic information, data, models, and simulation tools, connecting researchers and students to high-performance computation and data resources, and connecting science and people through...

  11. Research and Education Activities in Laboratory Mechatronics (REALM)

    09 May 2024 | Science Gateways

    The aim of the REALM project is to create generic network-driven services for access to and use of experimental devices for research and education. The short-term target is an experimental mechatronics (robotic components) facility that is available to engineering...

  12. project noah

    09 May 2024 | Science Gateways

    Project Noah is a tool to explore and document wildlife and a platform to harness the power of citizen scientists everywhere.

  13. SKYWARN®

    09 May 2024 | Science Gateways

    SKYWARN® is a National Weather Service (NWS) program developed in the 1960s that consists of trained weather spotters who provide reports of severe and hazardous weather to help meteorologists make life-saving warning decisions. Spotters are concerned citizens,...

  14. MCRN

    09 May 2024 | Science Gateways

    This hub specializes in collection of data on the study of climate change and mathematics of climate.

  15. vHUB

    09 May 2024 | Science Gateways

    VHub is an online resource for collaboration in volcanology research and risk mitigation. VHub provides easy mechanisms for sharing tools to model volcanic processes and analyze volcano data, to share resources such as teaching materials and workshops, and to...

  16. HRGRN

    09 May 2024 | Science Gateways

    We developed HRGRN, a Graph search-empowered integrative database of Arabidopsis signaling transduction, metabolism, and gene regulation networks, with an emphasis on hormone signaling and gene regulatory pathways. The database is designed to host and discover...

  17. IsoMAP for Isoscapes modeling, analysis and prediction

    09 May 2024 | Science Gateways

    IsoMAP is an online workspace for spatial analysis, modeling and prediction of stable isotope ratio variation in the natural environment (isoscapes). IsoMAP consists of a suite of web-based GIS and software tools allowing users to easily explore, develop, and...

  18. SEAGrid

    09 May 2024 | Science Gateways

    The Science and Engineering Applications Grid (SEAGrid) empowers researchers to easily use scientific applications deployed across a wide range of supercomputers, campus clusters, and computing cloud. SEAGrid features both a powerful desktop client and go-anywhere...

  19. cceHUB

    09 May 2024 | Science Gateways

    The mission of the Cancer Care Engineering (CCE) project is to integrate clinical, scientific and engineering disciplines into a systems-oriented approach to cancer care to foster more efficient, personalized and therefore more effective treatments and prevention...

  20. Molecular Space

    09 May 2024 | Science Gateways

    The Clean Energy Project (CEP) is a virtual high-throughput discovery and design effort for the next generation of plastic solar cell materials. We study millions of candidate structures to identify suitable compounds for the harvesting of renewable energy from the...

  21. e-Biogenouest

    09 May 2024 | Science Gateways

    e-Biogenouest is an open, web-based platform for scientific collaboration in Life Sciences. It represents the gate towards a Western France Virtual Research Environment (VRE) disseminating e-Science concepts into Life Sciences. This VRE is a first step to go towards...

  22. CTD² Data Portal

    09 May 2024 | Science Gateways

    CTD2 bridges the gap between the enormous volumes of data generated by genomic characterization studies and the ability to use these data for the development of human cancer therapeutics. It specializes in computational and functional genomics approaches critical for...

  23. iNquiry

    09 May 2024 | Science Gateways

    The iNquiry is a BioTeam production. BioTeam is a high-performance consulting practice. We are dedicated to delivering objective, technology agnostic solutions to life science researchers. We leverage the right technologies customized to our clients unique needs in...

  24. Computational Anatomy (caworks)

    09 May 2024 | Science Gateways

    Computational Anatomy ( is a discipline focused on the quantitative analysis of variability of biological shape. The Large Deformation Diffeomorphic Metric Mapping (LDDMM) software service aims to assign metric...

  25. Diagrid

    09 May 2024 | Science Gateways

    Allows science software to be run through a web browser