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Network for Computational Nanotechnology and nanoHUB

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The Network for Computational Nanotechnology (NCN) has a mission to connect theory, experiment, and computation in a way that will transform nanoscience into nanotechnology. While addressing challenges in the field, NCN researchers produce new algorithms, approaches, and software with capabilities not yet available commercially. NCN founding director Mark Lundstrom, the Don and Carol Scifres Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue, launched the effort in 2002 with a five-year, $10.5 million NSF grant. The NSF funding was distributed among six partner universities to seed infrastructure creation and develop nanoHUB content. NCN's funding has recently been renewed through the year 2023. The network currently consists of a cyber platform responsible for the support and development of the nanoHUB infrastructure, as well as two content nodes with research and educational directives in the areas of nano-manufacturing (nanoMFG) and nano-bio (Engineered nanoBIO). Led by Gerhard Klimeck, principal investigator and professor of electrical and computer engineering at Purdue University, the NCN cyber platform plans to expand its widely used nanoHUB online science and engineering gateway, developing a virtual society that shares simulation software, data, and other innovative content that provide engineers and scientists with the fundamental knowledge required to advance nanoscience. Annually, more than one million visitors participate in nanoHUB, an online meeting place for simulation, research, collaboration, teaching, learning, and publishing. The nanoHUB provides a library of hundreds of simulation tools, free from the limitations of running software locally. Thousands of users annually run these simulation tools on nanoHUB in the scientific computing cloud. nanoHUB also provides thousands of resources for research and education, including courses, tutorials, seminars, discussions, and facilities to foster nano-research collaboration. The NCN continues to progress. As part of the NSF's infrastructure for the National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI), NCN engages the community through workshops, seminars, and novel educational resources, implementing new applications on the nanoHUB that are used by experimentalists, theorists and students. The nanoHUB is used extensively in courses and workshops to teach state of the art nanotechnology computer applications. The NCN team has also made a commitment to develop content and applications that would suit a K-12 audience.






cyoun, jgwest

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  • (2024), "Network for Computational Nanotechnology and nanoHUB,"

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